Helensvale SHS has embarked on a journey to ensure we have consistency of expectation and practice across our behaviour management policy. In addition, the policy is part of the school’s Learning Framework and fits with the “Know the Learner” wedge. To this end, our policy is based on the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework.
Basically, the framework relies upon setting and communicating clear expectations, explicitly teaching the behaviours we want and setting up processes to reward and rectify student behaviours. It is ultimately about consistency, clarity and improving learning. The PBL framework promotes the use of learning behaviours/values and a consistent approach to teaching these values.

Our Learning values are:
- I am Respectful
- I am Responsible
- I am Resilient
These values can best be summarised in the following poster with the phrases which we promote with each of the Learning Values.

Each week we have a different focus and every fortnight we explicitly teach the behaviour we expect from the students. The decision regarding these lessons is based upon data we analyse from our OneSchool data base on student behaviour.
- At Helensvale there are numerous opportunities to be recognised on a daily basis for following the school learning values. One such way is through Positive Behaviours (PBs). Both teaching and non-teaching staff can select students who have been demonstrating Responsible, Respectful or Resilient behaviour and present them with a PB token. Students take the tokens to their year level Dean and place them in a box for the fortnightly draw to win a voucher for the canteen. The PBs are recorded in OneSchool and there are fantastic prizes at the end of the term and end of the year for students with the most PBs. These awards are sponsored by the school’s P&C.
- Student can also receive Postcards sent home by their teachers to acknowledge and recognise their efforts in upholding the school learning values.
- Twice a year formal assemblies called Celebration of Success (COS) parades are held to recognize academic and behaviour excellence. These include the announcement of scholarship winners, students who have excellent attendance: Responsible Award, those who have improved their academic results: Resilient Award and students who have outstanding effort and behaviour: Respectful Award
- On a daily basis student are recognised by staff for upholding the Learning Values through praise and individual teacher initiatives within their own classrooms.