The following Helensvale State High School policies, procedures and documents are applicable to staff, students and our community.
The Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 2171KB) is the school's behaviour policy, with information about school rules, consequences and processes for addressing bullying and the use of technology. Developed to sit alongside the Student Code of Conduct is the Parent and Community Code of Conduct (PDF, 293KB) to support schools as safe and respectful places.
Student dress codes are determined by Principals in consultation with the school's P&C and school community. The Dress Code (PDF, 708KB) outlines the standards of acceptable dress at Helensvale State High School.
As stated in our Attendance Policy (PDF, 704KB) regular attendance and punctuality are important characteristics of successful students. Being on time and prepared to learn gives everyone the best chance of success in the classroom.
Customer complaints are an opportunity to identify issues and take action to improve service delivery and customer experiences, while also driving a culture of continuous improvement across schools, regions and division. Raising a Concern (PDF, 697KB) outlines how to raise a concern or make a complaint about an issue with your child's education.
The Helensvale State High School Homework Policy (PDF, 998KB) outlines the different ways that homework is set and the how students can be pro-active and take responsibility for their own learning. It provides strategies for study and revision and suggestions for how parents can support their students.
Assessment is an integral part of the school curriculum. The Assessment Policy (PDF, 1.34MB) details procedure relating to examination requirements, late submission, non-submission and procedures to be followed to apply for an extension of time.
Some medical conditions require exclusion from school, childcare centres and other settings to prevent the spread of infections diseases among staff and children. The Time Out poster (PDF, 706KB) provides information on the recommended minimum exclusion periods for infectious conditions to meet the requirements of the Public Health Act 2005.
A broad range of personal mobility devices can be used in Queensland and there are rules for personal mobility devices in place. Our E-scooter information (PDF, 118KB) provides guidance and links to these rules and latest information.