
Contact us


Phone:  +617 5573 8555

Facsimile: +617 5573 8500




Staff member: staff contact list (PDF, 153KB)​​​​​​​​​​​

Are you unsure who to contact? The interactive charts for curriculum (PDF, 241KB) or non-curriculum (PDF, 251KB) based concerns or queries can be followed to find the best contact depending on your query or concern.  

Office hours

Administration office hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 3:30pm

Finance hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 1:45pm

Uniform shop hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 12pm

Physical and postal address

243 Discovery Drive

Helensvale QLD​ 4212

Student Services

Arrivals, Departures and Absences

Notification of Student absences

Helensvale State High School has a dedicated line to receive messages regarding student absences and late arrivals.
Please note this line is for SMS only, not voice messages.
Please send an SMS to 0457 478 277 in the following format:

  • Student's full name.

  • Date & duration of absence, or expected time of arrival.

  • Reason for absence/lateness.

Please use this as your preferred method of notification and add this number to your contacts. The School will continue to request advice from parents/carers for unexplained absences if you have not notified us.  Notifying the School will minimise the need for these investigations.

Alternatively, you can advise us by email:

Late arrivals

Parents/guardians should advise the school if their student is going to be late, prior to their arrival, by sending an SMS to 0457 478 277 or by giving them a note. The students MUST sign in at the Student Hub (formerly Student Services) upon arrival at school or they will be marked absent.
Please note: If the student does not have a note, or we have not received a phone call, they will automatically receive a lunch time detention. 

Early departures

Students should not leave school grounds without first signing out through the Administration office.  In the case of an emergency, we need to know the whereabouts of ALL students.
  • Please be advised that there are no phones in classrooms to contact teachers and/or students so the only way a student will not be permitted to leave class early is by prior arrangement with the Student Hub.
  • If you know your student has an appointment, please send them to school with a note.  This should be brought to the Student Hub before school or during break times to receive a leave request. Students will not be allowed to leave class without a leave request
  • Students are unable to leave class unless previously arranged due to the impact these interruptions have on individual and class learning time. If unforeseen circumstances occur, we are happy to attempt to contact students during break times to issue a pass, enabling them to be released from class.
  • The student must be collected from the Administration office by a parent/carer or someone listed as an emergency contact.
Please note we are unable to do “call outs” for students when Block Exams are taking place. 

Sport and Alternative Program Days

On Gold Coast Sport days those students who do not participate in sport are in an alternative program. On these days students are not in their timetabled classes. Therefore, we are unable to locate students for early collection so this MUST be pre-arranged.

For Broadwater and South Coast events, including trials and competitions, parents are required to advise Student Services that their child will not be at school at these times, as they are participating in these events.

Students unwell during school time

  • If a student feels unwell during lesson time, they MUST NOT contact their parent/carer directly. They must report it to their teacher who will then send them to Sick Bay in the Student Hub.

  • If a student feels unwell during break time they must go to Sick Bay.
  • The student will be assessed and if necessary the parent/carer will be contacted to collect their child. If we are unable to make contact with the parent/carer, the student will be allowed to rest for 15 minutes before returning to class.
  • It is vitally important that your contact details are up to date and you check your phone for messages.
  • If a parent/carer is asked to collect their student that is unwell they must be collected from the Administration office.

General Information 

  • Please collect lost items from and report any missing items to the Student Hub.

  • If your child has forgotten something and you are required to bring it to school, please take it to the Administration office and advise your student to collect it from the Student Hub.
  • The Student Hub can hold medication only if it is prescribed by a G.P. and is in the original packaging showing the pharmacist's label. Medication should be brought to the Administration office and the relevant paperwork must be completed and signed by the parent/carer before the medication can be held.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS).

School tours

We welcome you to join a member of our Executive team on a guided tour of our school where you will have the opportunity to see our facilities and meet some of our wonderful students. Tours for 2025 are scheduled* as follows (attendance by reservation):

​Friday 28 February, 10am
​Friday 23 May, 10am
Friday ​15 August, 10am
​Friday 7 November, 10am

*subject to change, dependent on unforseen circumstances.

If you would like to attend a tour you can make a booking by contacting Cindy. Reservations are essential as numbers are limited.

Last reviewed 23 January 2025
Last updated 23 January 2025